
Supporting Agriculture in North America

Guided by Agricultural Technology Innovations and Science-based Policies

Task Forces

Task forces

Genetic resources

Generates knowledge and innovation in genetic resource management and preservation.

Animal health

Continually monitors animal health issues and promotes research, knowledge and sharing of technology and information in prioritized areas of common interest to Canada, Mexico and the USA.

Plant health

Develops and shares knowledge and technologies for the sustainable management of arthropod pests, diseases, nematodes, and weeds that negatively affect crop production in North America.

Soil, Water, and Climate Change

Promotes robust agri-ecosystems through knowledge sharing and research focused on soil and water impacted by climate change.

Established in 1998

The Cooperative Program in Research and Technology for the Northern Region (PROCINORTE)

Is a trilateral network of federal agricultural, agri-food, and food system research bodies in Canada, Mexico, and the USA. It aims to promote cooperation in research and technology in the Northern Region of the Americas through exchanges and partnerships for competitive and sustainable agricultural development by incorporating science, technology, innovation, and knowledge-sharing in areas of trilateral relevance.

It Aims to Promote

Cooperation in research and technology in the Northern Region of the Americas

Through Exchanges and Partnerships

For competitive and sustainable agricultural

Development by Incorporating
  • Science

  • Technology

  • Innovation

  • Knowledge-sharing in areas of trilateral relevance


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